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About Our Church

Our beginnings were with a small group of Orthodox Christians who were worshiping in the former grounds of a Greek Orthodox Youth Camp in Brooksville, FL. Early in 2002, the property was turned over to our mission by the Board of the Camp, once we had paid off the existing mortgage. With this, Christ the Savior Greek Orthodox Church began functioning with the blessings of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America and His Eminence Metropolitan Alexios of Atlanta. We are now a Mission and function with full participation of even more stewards.

Our location on the Nature Coast of Florida is with easy access (Routes 19 and the Suncoast Parkway) to the cities of Tampa and St. Petersburg to the south and the counties north of our location. In addition to the majority of Stewards and Friends of our mission from Hernando County, we draw people from the south, north and west to the unique and special Church life that we foster.

Christ the Savior Church, whose feast day is the Presentation of Christ at the Temple, celebrated on February 2 annually, is a Pan-Orthodox Church. We have Stewards and Friends from several traditionally Orthodox nationalities, many converts from other church traditions and from none. For this reason, most of our services are conducted in English, with some small use of other traditionally Orthodox languages, such as Greek, Slavic, Arabic, Romanian and Albanian; these serve as a reminder of our heritages, but even when used these are repeated in English so that all can understand.

In addition all the services are conducted with the full participation of everyone present, since the texts of each service are provided so that all can sing the hymns and read the laypeople’s responses. We have a partnership with the nearby Pine Grove Elementary School for our philanthropic outreach and we support a missionary working in Africa for the Orthodox Church there. We also have a Sunday School and youth programs. On a regular basis, we organize parish social events for fellowship and fundraising. We have had barbecues, Taverna Nights, Easter Dinners, a Luau and now an Annual Greek festival.

As a Steward or Friend of Christ the Savior Orthodox Church, you can participate in this exciting movement toward the future of Orthodox Christianity in Hernando County FL.

Father John Lazarek

Very Reverend Fr. John and Presbytera Diana

Most recently, Fr. John was assisting at St. George Greek Orthodox Church in New Port Richey and filling in at local Greek Orthodox Churches. They are from the Carpatho-Russian Diocese of Johnstown, PA. Their last assignment was with St. Michael Orthodox Church in Pittsburgh. 

       Fr. John retired and he and Diana moved to Florida in August 2016. With the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Alexios, Fr. John  began his ministry with Christ the Savior Greek Orthodox Church working in an environment where he is very familiar:  mission parishes. Having spent most of his active ministry working with and beginning mission parishes.                        

May God guide the work of our hands!



Sundays and Feast Days

Orthros 9:15 AM

Divine Liturgy 10:00 AM

Sunday School 10:45AM


10401 Spring Hill Drive

Spring Hill, Florida 34608

Ph. 352-796-8482

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